Stuffed Chillies


This is my favorite recepie , learned from my Mom.Its super dupper can serve these in lunch and dinner along with any meal as a side dish.Do give it a try....

  1. Chillies (broad and long in size)8-10
  2. Besan 1 cup
  3. Hing/Asafoitida 1/2 tsp
  4. Salt to taste
  5. Edible oil 1 tbsp
  6. Water 2 tsp
  1. For making stuffing -in a bowl take besan,hing,salt and oil
  2. Now add 2 spoon of water
  3. Mix all properly
  4. Slit the chillies in the centre,remove all the seeds and cut them into two.(refer pics)
  5. Fill all the chillies with the prepared stuffing
  6. Heat the pan or tava and shallow fry all the chillies
Pictorial recepie

For making stuffing -in a bowl take besan,hing,salt and oil.

Add 2tsp of water and mix evenly

Give a cut to chillies as shown in the picture.Remove all the seeds .If the chilly is too long then  cut them into two.

Stuff the chillies with the stuffing and shallow fry them in a pan or regular griddle(tava)

Serve these chillies during lunch or dinner as a side dish.


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