Banana Delight

Banana delight is simple and two ingredient recipe.


  1. Banana  6
  2. Chocochips 1 cup
  3. Chocolate sauce /Nuts/tootifruti.
Pictorial recipe

 Peel the bananas.

 Cut into round slices

Arrange it in a tray.

Freeze for 2-3 hrs

Take it in a food processor.

Blend into a thick tight paste.

Add in the chocochips.

Fill the mixture in a silicon molds

Top it with some more chocochips and Freeze for 4 hrs.

 You can also decorate with tooti-fruti or nuts of your choice.

 After 4 hrs remove them from freezer and demold them

Drizzle some chocolate sauce over the banana delight and serve chilled.


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