Kadhi Fafda


For kadhi
  1. Buttermilk - 4 cup
  2. Besan  - 2tbsp
  3. Salt to taste
  4. Sugar - 1/4 tsp
  5. Chopped coriander leaves for garnishing.
For tempering....
  1. Jeera  - 1/4 tsp
  2. Hing - 1/4 tsp
  3. Kadhipatta/curry leaves - 5-6
  4. Ginger,garlic,green chilly paste - 1tbsp
  5. Corrainder seeds coursely grinded -1/4 tsp
For Fafda.....
  1. Besan - 1 cup
  2. Hing -1/4tsp
  3. Salt 1/2tsp
  4. Turmeric powder - 1/4tsp
  5. Baking soda/sodium bicarbonate - 1/4tsp
  6. Ajwayien- 1  tsp
  7.  Oil -1tbsp
  8. Water to need the dough


Sieve one cup besan,1/4 tsp hing , salt and soda bicarb
Add in 1/4 tsp ajwain and 1tbsp oil.
Gradually add in water ( few spoons) to make a soft dough. carefully add water because dough becomes sticky.
Knead well .
Let the dough rest ,till than lets make kadhi.

For making kadhi......
Make Ginger garlic, and green chilly paste in a mixing grinder.
Coursely Grind corrainder seeds.
Sieve 2 tbsp of besan in a separate bowl.
Add in 4 cups of buttermilk.

For making tempering or tadka ....
Heat an 1tbsp oil  in a pan and add Jeera,hing and kadhipatta to it.
Add in green paste.
Fry .
Add in grinded corrainder seeds and saute for while.
Add this tempering or tadka to buttermilk mixture.
Add 1/4 tsp sugar.
Salt to taste and place it under low flame on gas stove.
Stir continuously otherwise it will curdle.
Cook till the kadhi comes up like milk.
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and kadhi is ready.
Take the Fafda rough and make small balls .
Make small long portion of ball and place it on roller pin or chakla
Push the dough ball in upward direction with the help of lower part of your palm.
Like this👆and then remove it with knife.
Heat an oil in a flat pan and fry fafdas.
Cook on both sides.
Serve yummy fafdas with hot kadhi.
 Kadhi samosas are also the yummy combination dish.


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