Mango delight /Mango kulfi


  1. Mangoes - 4
  2. Rabdi 
  3. Dry fruits for garnishing
For rabdi....
  1. Milk 4 cups
  2. Condensed milk / sugar
  3. Jaifal elaichi powder
Cut the mango like this👆 from above.
Give a slight cut to side of the seed.
Now with help of spoon loosen the sides of seed.
With the help of thumb and finger slightly try to twist the seed to come out
This way repeat with all other mangoes.
Fill in the pulp from the seed 
Prepare and place all of the mangoes in a cup or glasses to get a firm hold.
Reduce the 4cups of milk to 1/4 of its volume and add in half tin of condensed milk to it ,you can also add milk powder to thicken it and jaifal elaichi powder to enhance it .Cool down the rabdi completely and  fill in the mangoes.

Close it .
Freeze it for about 8 -10hr.
Remove from freezer.
Peel off the frozen mangoes.
slice it .
Serve chilled...... yummy....!!


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